The gemsbok, gemsbuck or South African oryx is a large antelope in the genus Oryx. It is native to the arid regions of Southern Africa, such as the Kalahari Desert.Gemsboks are desert dwelling animals that prefer deserts, scrubland and brushland. Southern gemsbok tend to inhabit open, arid areas, such as the Kalahari duneland and bush savanna while northern gemsbok inhabit open grasslands.

Gemsboks stand around 4 feet 7 inches at shoulder height and weigh between 230 – 250 kilograms (females weigh slightly less than males at around 200 – 210 kilograms). Gemsboks coats are a light brown/grey colour with lighter patches to the bottom rear of their rump, and sandy grey flanks. A dark stripe extends from their chin and travels down to the bottom of their neck, over their shoulder joints and leg along their lower flanks and on each side of their rear legs. All four legs are black on their top half, with white below the knees and black patches on the shins. Gemsbok have a horse-like posture and gallop and have muscular necks and shoulders. They have a long tail with black flowing hair.